Placenta Encapsulation Services

The placenta is an amazing, powerful, and intelligent organ. It accompanies the baby in the uterus, provides nourishment and protection, and is essential to the growth and well-being of your baby!

Placenta encapsulation is a method of consuming your placenta that is as easy as taking a postpartum supplement. It is a natural way to help support your mind and body during the postpartum period.

Potential Benefits of Placenta Encapsulation:

  • Hormone stabilization

  • Energy boosting 

  • Supports immune system 

  • Reduces pain, swelling, and postpartum bleeding

  • Replenish iron supply and prevents anemia

  • Promotes lactation, milk supply, and milk quality

  • Regulates postpartum contractions to return uterus to pre-pregnant state

  • Encourages a balanced, quicker recovery after childbirth

*Potential benefits of placenta encapsulation have not been proven by research and only anecdotal information is available. We encourage you to do your own research to determine if placenta encapsulation is right for you!*

How it Works

We make the process super easy and fast for you! Once your baby and your placenta have been born, have someone with you (or you!) contact us. Your placenta needs to be refrigerated (or on ice) within three hours after birth, the sooner the better. If you give birth in the night we will pick your placenta up ASAP the next day.

At the hospital, the staff will provide you with a bucket for your placenta and another larger bucket with ice to keep it cool. If you’re at home you can just put it in a double bagged ziplock and put it in the fridge. Have someone be in charge of putting more ice in as it melts.

We will pick up your placenta from wherever you are, encapsulate it in our designated placenta space, and return your capsules and other goodies within 72 hours after birth. Easy peasy!




Placenta Capsules

Your placenta is steamed, dehydrated, ground into powder and then put into capsules.

This method can provide warmth, energy, and balance for your body after the exhaustion of childbirth.

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Placenta Tinture

A tincture is made with a small amount of your dried placenta and 100 proof alcohol.

Tinctures have an indefinite shelf life if properly stored.

Your placenta tincture can be taken later in life for menstrual periods, menopause, and any time you need a boost! 


$35 add on

Placenta Print

A print is made with food-grade dyes and water color paper. You can also choose to use the blood from the placenta for the ink. This is a beautiful way to preserve the beauty of the placenta on paper. 

Cord Keepsake: FREE -Your umbilical cord can be dehydrated into any shape (depending on how long it is). You can hang it on your wall, make it a part of an art project, or store it in a box for safekeeping and a beautiful reminder of the birth of your baby. 

The following circumstances cause the placenta to be unsafe for consumption:

  • The placenta was sent to pathology for any reason.

  • The placenta has sat out longer than 3 hours at room temperature.

  • The placenta has sat in the refrigerator for more than 3 days without being frozen.

  • The birthing individual has a uterine infection called chorioamnionitis.

  • We are unable to encapsulate your placenta if you have HIV, AIDS, or Hepatitis B or C. 

We follow strict safety and sanitizing protocols when encapsulating your placenta. We only have one placenta client at a time so there is no overlap. The preparation area and all our tools are properly sanitized before and after the process. 

Group B Strep is a bacterial infection that is usually treated with antibiotics during labor. If the bacteria still exists in the placenta after birth, it is eliminated during the steaming and dehydrating phase of the encapsulation process and consumption is safe. If the birthing person or infant have an active infection at or after birth, placenta consumption is not considered safe & not advised.