Tammy Dixon

I am an enrolled tribal member of the Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa. I started as a birth doula in 2009 and have found my calling in empowering, educating, and supporting mothers/birthers/families during birth. Each birth is exciting, different and creates a new family. It is my great honor to serve our families on that life-changing day. I strive to help each woman/birther have the birth experience they desire. I especially love helping dad/partners get as involved as they are able to be! I have attended hospital births, cesarean births, VBACs (Vaginal Birth after Cesarean) high risk and twin births. I am a full spectrum doula and support families in all births.

My husband and I have one daughter, who is nearly an adult; having her has been the most amazing gift life has to offer. I have experienced pregnancy loss, and at 40-years-old I had a high-risk cesarean birth. I believe these experiences give me both compassion and insight for women/birthers having a difficult pregnancy or delivery. I had a difficult start with breast/chest feeding so I pumped breast milk for our daughter for 6 months, even though I didn’t have enough milk due to breast reduction. So, I love to encourage moms/birthers to provide breast milk by breast/chest feeding or pumping because it is simply the best milk, liquid gold, designed especially for your baby's needs. I am a life long learner, here are just a few of my credentials:

  • Indigenous Breastfeeding Counselor certification (IBC),

  • Spinning Babies

  • Doula's of North America (DONA)

  • Certified Perinatal Educators (COPE) 

  • Minnesota Prison Doula training I can’t remember the year.

  • Matrona Doula and Postpartum certifications.